1. Report -

    During early 2014 Healthwatch Rotherham received concerns from parents regarding the
    CAMHS. We worked with these families to capture the views of local people on the culture of the
  2. Report -

    We carried out this report to enable commissioners to develop an outcomes framework for the Adult Mental Health Older Peoples
    Liaison Service.
  3. News -

    A new website has been launched which will help young people deal with emotional health and well being issues. "My Mind Matters" website offers advice and guidance to young people, their parents and carers and those who work with young people on emotional health and well being issues.
    The website has been set up by Rotherham Council and NHS Rotherham Clinical Commissioning Group with help from young people, will help the borough's younger residents and their families access information, advice and support, on emotional health and well being issues.
  4. News -

    Alliance of local and national care organisations calls for feedback from unpaid carers after a year which has seen enormous challenges for all those working in the health and social care sector, those using services, and their loved ones
  5. News -

    A big thank you to all the participants who attended our February Lets Talk...session where we talked about mental health and what support is on offer in Rotherham
  6. Report -

    During March and April 2021 we conducted three surveys looking into mental health services in Rotherham. The three surveys were: children and young people, adults and an organisational survey.
  7. News -

    Healthwatch Rotherham are undertaking a new project titled 'Mind, Body and Soul' over the next few months to find out what people in Rotherham want from services. We will be releasing three surveys in total.
  8. News -

    Thank you to everyone who attended out latest "Lets Talk" session, where we discussed anxiety, what causes anxiety? how can we manage our anxiety? and is all anxiety bad?
  9. News -

    Thank you to everyone who attended our latest ‘Let’s Talk’ session which discussed suicide prevention and awareness, in collaboration with Rotherham’s ‘Be the one’ suicide prevention campaign.
  10. Report -

    Our latest report titled 'Mind, body and soul' is now published and available to read below.
  11. Blog -

    Our latest 'Let's Talk' event took place on Wednesday 23rd March at 11am and discussed an Age Friendly Rotherham
  12. News -

    Our latest Let's Talk event was held on Zoom and discussed Perinatal Mental Health
  13. Report -

    Our latest report on Long Covid/Post-Covid syndrome is now available to read below. We wanted to get an overview of how Long Covid is affecting Rotherham residents, what symptoms they are experiencing and what services they are accessing
  14. News -

    Our September ‘Let’s Talk’ event looked at suicide prevention and awareness.
  15. News -

    Healthwatch Rotherham believe it is important that you, as a resident, knows who pays for your health and social care services in South Yorkshire.
  16. News -

    Our final event of 2022 discussed loneliness. We were joined by 13 attendees and had some fantastic guest speakers who generated some really in-depth and thought provoking discussions.
  17. News -

    Our second in-person Let's Talk event took place at Silverwood Miners Welfare Resource Centre to a group of 35 attendees from the Military Community Veterans Centre (MCVC).
    The topic chosen by the group was Dementia.
  18. News -

    Our February Let's Talk event focused on eating disorders and had 7 attendees with a mixture of the public and professionals.
  19. News -

    On the 29th June, Healthwatch Rotherham and Shiloh embarked on a unique 'Let's Talk' event with 5 attendees on a barge at Swinton Lock. The event covered mental health and 5 ways to wellbeing.
  20. News -

    Healthwatch Rotherham are working with the Rotherham Crisis Team Service to gather feedback from those who have accessed the service themselves/on behalf of someone else, and wish to share their experiences, good or bad. All feedback is anonymous.
  21. Report -

    In June this year, we were approached by RDaSH to find out about local people's experiences with the Crisis Service in Rotherham. You can view our findings in our report below:
  22. Report -

    In January 2024, we spoke to 61 people about their experiences and feedback on health and social care services in Rotherham. This was through a combination of in-person engagement and enquiries. You can find their feedback below:
  23. Report -

    In February 2024, we spoke to 43 people about their experiences and feedback on health and social care services in Rotherham. This was through a combination of in-person engagement and enquiries. You can find their feedback below:
  24. News -

    On Thursday 21st March 2024, Healthwatch Rotherham attended Landmarks College 'Independence Fest' at Renishaw Community Centre!
  25. News -

    Our Community Engagement Officer Andrea has been out and about in the community this month gathering feedback from local people about their experiences with health and social care services in Rotherham.
  26. Report -

    In March 2024, we spoke to 58 people about their experiences and feedback on health and social care services in Rotherham. This was through a combination of in-person engagement and enquiries. You can find their feedback below:
  27. Blog -

    During February and March 2024, we were joined by two University of Sheffield students, Olivia and Holly.

    They were a fantastic addition to our team and spent their time carrying out vital research for us as well as attending engagement events with our Community and Engagements officer, Andrea.
  28. News -

    On 8th April 2024, our Community Engagement and Projects Officer, Andrea, visited Rotherham’s Parkinson's support group to have a general chat about all things Healthwatch.
  29. Report -

    In April 2024, we spoke to 47 people about their experiences and feedback on health and social care services in Rotherham. This was through a combination of in-person engagement and enquiries. You can find their feedback below:
  30. News -

    Our Community Engagement Officer Andrea has been out and about in the community this month gathering feedback from local people about their experiences with health and social care services in Rotherham.
  31. News -

    On Tuesday 14th May 2024, Healthwatch Rotherham attended Dearne Valley College for their Health & Wellbeing event!
  32. Advice and Information -

    Feeling unwell? Read on for advice about where you can go for help with your health during the winter months.
  33. News -

    On Friday 2nd February 2024, our Community Engagement Officer Andrea McCann went along to meet the u3a Lifestyle group at Tesco’s community room, to discuss all things NHS!
  34. Advice and Information -

    The new Pharmacy First scheme enables your local pharmacy to treat some common conditions with prescription-only medicines, without you visiting your GP. Find out everything you need to know.
  35. Report -

    We developed a local survey with colleagues from other local Healthwatch organisations in South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw to ask you ‘What Would You Do?’ to improve local NHS Services.
  36. Report -

    Our Annual Report, making your voice heard and highlighting our work over the past 12 months.
  37. Report -

    Find out what we have achieved over the past year.
  38. Report -

    Our Annual Report for 2015/16 outlines how together we are putting people at the heart of health and social care.
  39. Report -

    Our Annual Report for 2016/17 brings together what Rotherham residents want from health and social care in our town.
  40. Report -

    We have been listening and taking what matters to you back to services, informing them of improvements you would like to see.
  41. Report -

    Find out what improvements Rotherham residents would like to see to health and social care services.
  42. News -

    Healthwatch Rotherham, Doncaster, Sheffield, Barnsley and North Notts have picked up an award for Outstanding Achievement for their collaboration on the engagement of residents on the "What Would You Do" campaign.
  43. Report -

    Our Complaints Policy outlines how to make a complaint about us and our approach to making sure complaints are resolved.
  44. Report -

    This Privacy Statement sets out the data processing practices carried out by Healthwatch Rotherham. We retain and use personal data (information that relates to living people)
  45. News -

    As from the 1st April 2020 Rotherham Healthwatch Ltd will no longer be delivering the Healthwatch service in Rotherham. The contract will now be delivered by Citizens Advice Rotherham and District.
  46. Report -

    Find out about the work we did during 2019/20, Helping to make sure that health and social care services are listening to the patient voice.
  47. Report -

    We are pleased to share with you, the first edition of our Newsletter. We will publish regular updates on what we are up to and how we are feeding back your experiences of health and social care in the Town
  48. Report -

    Our second issue of our monthly newsletter gives an update on Covid-19 and an insight into the
    flu vaccination programme in Rotherham. You can also find out more information on the project we
    are currently working on.
  49. Report -

    Published a little early due to the Christmas holidays, our latest newsletter gives an update on the Covid-19 vaccine and gives information on our
    new Healthwatch........Lets talk project starting January 2021.
  50. Report -

    Our Steering Group meets regularly throughout the year to discuss our strategic direction, what people are telling us and to make sure that we are fulfilling our statutory duty.