Easy Read information

We try to make our information accessible to as many people as possible.

Some of the information we have is available in Easy Read in this section.

If you would like any other information in an Easy Read format, please contact us on info@healthwatchrotherham.org.uk or call 01709 717130.

Healthwatch Rotherham have created the below list of mental health services available both in Rotherham and across the country. We believe in the importance of making Rotherham residents aware of the services available to them and how to access them, ensuring people know there is help and support out there if they should need it. We have grouped the services into local and national categories, and have tried to include contact details where possible. Please follow the website links which will direct you to the service website, where you can find more information and resources. If you have any questions, please contact us.

If you're in a hurry, the below information provides you with a snapshot view of what local face to face services are available and when:

Timetable of local face to face services


If you are after other types of support, the below lists what type of other services are available at a glance, along with opening times. For more information on all of the services, please look at the directory and follow the links:

Overview of mental health services and opening times


A printable version of our directory is also available.  Please be aware that the directory is regularly updated as we get new information so please check you have the most recent version.

Mental health services directory - printable version

A-Z of Local Mental Health Services in Rotherham/South Yorkshire


Amparo - South Yorkshire:

Email: amparo.service@listening-ear.co.uk

Telephone: 03300 088 9255

Website: https://amparo.org.uk/our-locations/south-yorkshire/

Support for those affected by suicide.


Andy's Man Club:

Email: info@andysmanclub.co.uk

Website: https://andysmanclub.co.uk/find-your-nearest-group/

Andy's Man Club supports men with mental health issues and provides a safe and friendly environment for them to talk. They meet every Monday 7pm to 9pm in Rotherham town centre, Brinsworth, Maltby and Manvers.


ASK Women's Talking Group:

Email: womenaskrotherham@outlook.com

Website: https://womenask.co.uk/

Rawmarsh health centre, Rawmarsh, Rotherham. S62 6AE - Weekly on Wednesday's - 7pm-9pm.

An opportunity for women to meet up and chat in a friendly, welcoming and safe environment. 


Be the One Campaign:

Website:  https://www.be-the-one.co.uk/

Campaigning for suicide awareness and to reduce suicide rates. The website contains lots of support and resources that can help and support yourself, friends and family.



Website: https://camhs.rdash.nhs.uk/rotherham/

Children and Adolescent Mental Health Services - Rotherham.


CAMHS eClinic:

Website: https://camhs.rdash.nhs.uk/rotherham/getting-advice/rotherham-eclinics/

A free instant messaging service for young people aged 11-18 to self-refer and talk to a CAMHS Practitioner via their mobile.  There is also a New Parent Plus eClinic for parents and carers with children in the Rotherham area and professionals wanting advice around young people aged 11-18. It is an instant messaging drop-in clinic where parents/carers can talk to a CAMHS or With Me in Mind Practitioner via their mobile.


Crisis Team - Rotherham:

Telephone: 0800 652 9571

Website: https://www.rdash.nhs.uk/services/crisis-team/

The crisis team provides emergency mental health support 24/7.


Early Help:

Email: ehtriage@rotherham.gov.uk

Telephone: 01709 334 905

Early Help offers support to children and families. Services based around: health, development and wellbeing e.g. substance abuse, mental health, domestic and sexual abuse. Support with parenting, childcare, targeted youth support, jobs and training.


Hopian (previously known as Rotherham Rise):

Email: help@hopian.org.uk

Telephone: 0330 2020571

Website: https://hopian.org.uk/

Hopian supports people with mental health issues, self-harm, domestic violence and safeguarding.



Website: https://www.iesohealth.com/

Free online typed cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) for over 18's. If you live in Rotherham you can self refer or ask through your GP.



Website: https://www.kooth.com

10-25 year olds can self-refer for mental health/wellbeing support and online counselling.


Men Actually Talking Together (MATT):

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MenActuallyTalking/

An informal peer to peer support group offering a listening ear and help and advice at its weekly sessions each Tuesday at 2pm at Rotherham Titans Rugby Club.


Mental Health Matters:

Email: rotherhamsafespace.mhm@nhs.net

Telephone: 0808 246 5059

Website: https://www.mhm.org.uk/rotherham-safe-space

For adults over 18, offering a range of mental health support including face to face, phone, email or video call (Thursday - Monday 6pm- midnight). They provide a free safe place to chat, access 1-1 emotional support, group discussions, workshops and activities to effectively manage your mental health and wellbeing.


NetReach Project - South Yorkshire:

Email: net.reach5@changing-lives.org.uk

Telephone: 07719 547752

Aims to support victims of online harms and tech abuse. Our work and support are mainly focused around intimate image abuse, online harassment, online sexual exploitation and online sex work.



Website: https://www.qwell.io/

Online chat with counsellors and emotional wellbeing practitioners providing mental health and emotional support.  For those aged 18+ and registered with a GP in Rotherham.


Rotherham Abuse Counselling Service:

Email: info@rothacs.org.uk

Telephone: 01709 835482

Website: http://www.rothacs.org.uk/

Provides FREE specialist counselling for women, men and young people who have experienced abuse at any time in their life. People can refer themselves to the service, and can be referred from other agencies.


Rotherham Mind:

Email: contactus@rbmind.co.uk

Telephone: 01709 919929

Website: https://www.rbmind.co.uk/

MIND provides mental health support, both locally and nationally. 


Rotherham SOBS (survivors of bereavement by suicide)

Email: rotherham@uksobs.org

Telephone:  07984 320948

Website: https://uksobs.com/how-we-can-help/support-groups/rotherham/

Support for those affected by suicide. 



Website: https://rotherhive.co.uk/

Rotherhive provides a range of verified practical mental health & wellbeing information, support & advice for adults in Rotherham.


S62 Community Together Rotherham CIC:

Email: enquiries@s62ctr.co.uk

Website: https://s62ctr.co.uk/

Local community mental health support.          


Talking Therapies:

Telephone: 03000 215108

Website: https://talkingtherapies.rdash.nhs.uk/about-nhs-rotherham-talking-therapies/

Talking therapies for people suffering with anxiety, depression, PTSD, OCD, Phobia, Panic Attacks.


We are with you  - previously known as (ROADS)

Telephone: 0808 1753981

Email: rotherham@wearewithyou.org.uk

Website: https://www.wearewithyou.org.uk/services/rotherham-roads-rotherham-alcohol-and-drug-service/

This service is for you if you’re:

  • living in Rotherham
  • worried about your own drug or alcohol use or someone else’s


With Me in Mind:

Website: https://withmeinmind.co.uk/

Mental health support and resources for children, parents and professionals.

A-Z of National Mental Health services:


At a loss:

Website: https://www.ataloss.org/

An online directory of bereavement support.


CALM (Campaign Against Living Miserably):

Telephone: 0800 585858

Webchat: https://www.thecalmzone.net/suicide-prevention-helpline

Website: https://www.thecalmzone.net/

Uniting the UK against suicide.



Telephone: 0800 1111

Webchat: https://www.childline.org.uk/get-support/1-2-1-counsellor-chat/

Website: https://www.childline.org.uk/

Available to anyone under 19 in the UK with any issue they are going through. Help is available at any time, day or night, via telephone, email or 1-2-1 counsellor chat.


Combat Stress:

Email: helpline@combatstress.org.uk

Telephone: 0800 1381619

Website: https://combatstress.org.uk/

We are Combat Stress, the UK’s leading charity for veterans’ mental health. For over a century, we’ve helped former servicemen and women with mental health problems such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety and depression.



Telephone: 0808 8081677

Website: Online chat: https://www.cruse.org.uk/get-support/

Grief and bereavement support.


Every Mind Matters:

Website: https://www.nhs.uk/every-mind-matters/

NHS service offering expert advice and practical tips to help you look after your mental health and wellbeing, so discover what works for you.


Listening Ear:

Online referral formhttps://listening-ear.co.uk

Emotional/psychological support services for children, young people and adults.


Muslim Community Helpline:

Email: ess4m@btinternet.com

Telephone: 0208 9086715 or 0208 9048193

Website: https://muslimcommunityhelpline.org.uk/

Confidential, non-judgmental listening and emotional support service for women, men and children. Languages spoken include Asian languages, Arabic and English.



Website: https://www.cntw.nhs.uk/services/veterans-services-hartside-st-nicholas-hospital/

Veterans mental health and wellbeing service for those due to leave the Armed Forces or those who have already left. You can self-refer or be referred through your GP or someone else can do it on your behalf.



Website: https://www.papyrus-uk.org/

Prevention of young suicide.


Rehab 4 Addiction:

Email: info@rehab4addiction.co.uk

Telephone: 0800 1404690 or 0345 2223508

Website: https://www.rehab4addiction.co.uk/

Offers a wealth of resources and information about addiction and mental health, as well as a helpline that offers immediate assistance to those struggling with addiction. 



Email: jo@samaritans.org

Telephone: (freephone) 116 123

Available free, day or night, 365 days a year.



Email: support @sane.org.uk

Telephone: 0300 304 7000

Website: https://www.sane.org.uk/

SANE is a leading UK mental health charity improving quality of life for anyone affected by mental illness.



Email: info@giveusashout.org

Telephone: (text) SHOUT to 85258

Website: https://giveusashout.org/

Shout is the UK’s first 24/7 text service, free on all major mobile networks, for anyone in crisis anytime, anywhere. It’s a place to go if you’re struggling to cope and you need immediate help.


Side by Side (Mind):

Website: https://sidebyside.mind.org.uk/

Free community online platform by Mind. Open to anyone who has experienced mental health problems or is close to someone who has.


Stay Alive App:

Website: https://www.stayalive.app/

A handy free, confidential, self help digital app you can download to your phone full of useful information and tool to help you if you are having suicidal thoughts or if you are concerned about someone else you may be considering suicide.


Strong Men:

Website: https://www.strongmen.org.uk/

Strong Men provides support to men following bereavement by offering various services such as peer support, counselling and retreats.


Student Minds:

Website: https://www.studentminds.org.uk/

Student Minds is a UK mental health charity who empowers students to get the mental health support they need at university and beyond.


Veterans UK:

Email: veterans-uk@mod.gov.uk

Telephone: 0808 1914 218

Website: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/veterans-uk-contact-us

Mental health support for veterans.


Young Minds:

Website: https://www.youngminds.org.uk/

Mental health charity for children, young people and their parents.