Health & Wellbeing event - Dearne Valley College

On Tuesday 14th May 2024, Healthwatch Rotherham attended Dearne Valley College for their Health & Wellbeing event!
Healthwatch Rotherham staff standing by their stall

As well as chatting to staff and students about who we are and what we do at Healthwatch, we invited them to write down what makes them happy and what worries them.  They popped their answers in our buckets so that they were anonymous and could be as honest as they wanted!

We got some great comments, with 66 responses.

From the answers we got, it was clear to see that relationships are very important to the students. Boyfriends, friends, family and animals all featured highly in the things that make you happy comments.   Maybe unsurprisingly, sleep and Netflix were also popular!

Wordcloud with things that make people happy

We found the things that worried the students the most were more individual and varied. Although exams and college were a common theme, others were concerned about their health, particularly to do with their weight, vaping and mental health.  These concerns reflect what we often hear when attending college events and we have run sessions on some of these subjects in the past.

For further support on these topics, see the links below:

Mental health services can be found on our website:

Mental health directory

Information about our smoking and vaping event can be found here:

Let's talk - smoking and vaping

Rotherham Healthwave provides services to support and motivate people to live healthier lives

Rotherham Healthwave

Thank you to Dearne Valley College for inviting us to take part in your event. We had a great time talking to you all!

For more information about Dearne Valley College, please click on the link below:

Dearne Valley College