Let's Talk -29th June - 5 ways to well-being

On the 29th June, Healthwatch Rotherham and Shiloh embarked on a unique 'Let's Talk' event with 5 attendees on a barge at Swinton Lock. The event covered mental health and 5 ways to wellbeing.

We were joined by Helen Wordsworth, who is the Clinical Lead at the Crisis Team in Rotherham.

The group discussed their previous weeks of activities, including an activity session at 'Jump', Yoga and Pilates sessions and the importance of these, linking in with the 5 ways to wellbeing.

Helen shared an understanding of how our emotions are displayed and why (such as fight or flight responses) and that these emotions are usually triggered by trauma of some kind. She discussed how we should value ourselves for who we are, and not be led or influenced by other people's comments or labels that we're sometimes given.

Helen also discussed coping strategies/self soothing techniques for when we feel stressed/anxious.

Strategies that helped attendees:

  • Listening to music
  • Exercise
  • Reaching out to friends and family
  • Walking
  • Reading 
  • Praying

Helen shared some recommended apps including "Balance" and "I am", and discussed meditation and gratitude and how this can influence our mood and help maintain a positive and healthy mind.

Helen was also able to offer advice on the link between mental health issues as a disability and how this can support benefit claims. All 5 attendees said they were going to start "gratitude journals".

Overall this was a really useful and informative session, set in a unique and lovely location on Swinton Lock. Thank you to our guest speaker and our attendees, as well as Shiloh for organising the event.

Natasha, who works at Shiloh said:

"The attendees definitely benefited. As we were waiting for the taxis to come, they were all saying how much they enjoyed the informal chat. It definitely opened up a lot of trauma some of them have gone through but in a positive way. I felt they learned a lot from Helen around the emotional side of mental health and she gave great advice around PIP that they did not know about. It was a really nice way to end 5 ways to wellbeing"

swinton lock