Let's Talk...Age Friendly Rotherham event summary

Our latest 'Let's Talk' event took place on Wednesday 23rd March at 11am and discussed an Age Friendly Rotherham
event poster on age friendly rotherham

Our latest ‘Let’s Talk’ event focused on an Age Friendly Rotherham. We had a good turnout of 20 people from a number of different services including The Rotherham Foundation Trust, Functional Fitness, With me in Mind, Rotherham Borough Council and Rotherfed. A full copy of the presentation slides can be found attached at the bottom of this page.

Older People's Forum and Age UK:

Our first guest speakers were Lesley Dabell, the CEO of Age UK Rotherham, as well as David Vickers, a retired nurse from Rotherham Older People’s Forum. David opened proceedings by discussing what the Rotherham Older People’s Forum do, and how their aim is to work towards an Age Friendly Rotherham to make Rotherham a better place for elderly people to live.

Lesley then discussed what Age UK Rotherham do, what matters most to the elderly people who live in Rotherham, some statistics about elderly people in Rotherham (age, economic activity rates, and loneliness) as well as how Covid-19 has impacted elderly people. Lesley then went on to discuss the different services Age UK Rotherham offer including Information and Advice services, well-being services and care and support services. If Age UK Rotherham cannot help, they will know other services that can help and can assign accordingly. A full copy of Lesley’s slides can be found at the bottom of this page.

Rotherfed Befriending Service:

We were then joined by Nicola Evans from Rotherfed’s friendship calls befriending service. Rotherfed match and support isolated and lonely Rotherham residents with volunteers. Nicola then talked about some of the incredible volunteers that work for the service and help support elderly people in Rotherham by making regular phone calls to them. Nicola then went through the contact and referral routes for the services. All the details can be found on the slides attached.

We would like to thank all of our guest speakers for showcasing their wonderful services and we hope all attendees learnt something new and can refer to these services in the future as and when needed.

Next 'Let's Talk' event details:

Our next event will take place on Wednesday 27th April at 11am-12noon and will be discussing Cancer. We will be joined by Michelle Fletcher, the lead nurse at Macmillan in Rotherham, as well as Faye McDool from Rotherham Cancer Advocacy service. We would love to see as many of you there as possible to learn more about cancer and what support services are available in Rotherham for patients and their families.


Let's Talk event slides