Easy Read information

We try to make our information accessible to as many people as possible.

Some of the information we have is available in Easy Read in this section.

If you would like any other information in an Easy Read format, please contact us on info@healthwatchrotherham.org.uk or call 01709 717130.

  1. Advice and Information -

    End of life care is support for people who are in the last months or years of their life. The guidance on the NHS website helps you know what to expect, how to plan ahead and how to manage your day to day decisions.
  2. Report -

    On Friday the 7th October 2013, Healthwatch Rotherham held an Older Peoples Summit at The New York Stadium.
    This was the second of three events held in the town during Older Peoples Month.
  3. News -

    How we celebrated Older People's Month
  4. News -

    Alliance of local and national care organisations calls for feedback from unpaid carers after a year which has seen enormous challenges for all those working in the health and social care sector, those using services, and their loved ones
  5. News -

    Healthwatch Rotherham are undertaking a new project titled 'Mind, Body and Soul' over the next few months to find out what people in Rotherham want from services. We will be releasing three surveys in total.
  6. News -

    Thank you to everyone who attended our latest ‘Let’s Talk’ session which discussed Dementia Awareness
  7. Report -

    Our latest report titled 'Mind, body and soul' is now published and available to read below.
  8. Blog -

    Our latest 'Let's Talk' event took place on Wednesday 23rd March at 11am and discussed an Age Friendly Rotherham
  9. Report -

    Our 2021-2022 Annual Report is now published and available to read.
    If you have any questions about anything featured in this report, please contact the Healthwatch manager Natalie Palmer on: Natalie.palmer@healthwatchrotherham.org.uk
  10. News -

    Our latest online Zoom Let’s Talk event focused on carers, following on from National Carers Week that took place between the 6th and 12th June.
  11. News -

    Healthwatch Rotherham believe it is important that you, as a resident, knows who pays for your health and social care services in South Yorkshire.
  12. News -

    Healthwatch Rotherham have been undertaking community engagement in various services within the Rotherham area. We have listened to service users and noted down some key comments regarding their experiences with health and social care
  13. News -

    Please find attached our spotlight shares from November 2022 covering Mowbray Gardens Library, Hygge Cafe tots club, Shiloh, Kimberworth Park and Breathing Space
  14. News -

    A huge thank you to all our guest speakers and attendees for attending our November Let's Talk event, this month focusing on Care Homes and Home Care
  15. News -

    Please find attached our spotlight shares from the previous 2 weeks, this time covering Mowbray Gardens Library, Rotherham United Dementia Cafe, Mature Millers, Veterans Group and St Mary's Church
  16. Report -

    On Thursday 9th February 2023 a member of staff and a volunteer from Healthwatch Rotherham attended an announced visit of Athorpe Lodge. We spoke to staff, residents, family and friends and you can view the results of our inspection below
  17. News -

    On Monday 9th October, Healthwatch Rotherham organised an event with Hellaby Craft Club to discuss self-care in extreme weathers and our ever-changing climate. Our guest speaker for this event was Kym Gleeson, a wellbeing co-ordinator with Age UK
  18. Report -

    Hearing the voices of Unpaid Carers in Rotherham
  19. Report -

    During May and June 2024, we spoke to 129 people about their experiences of health and social care services in Rotherham. This was through a combination of in-person engagement and enquiries. You can see the feedback below:
  20. News -

    Andrea and Nicola have been out and about in the community during August gathering feedback from local people about their experiences with health and social care services in Rotherham.

    Look out for them both at events coming up during September and pop along to tell them your stories.
  21. Advice and Information -

    The number of people being cared for in their own homes is increasing but what should you expect from home care services?