Easy Read information

We try to make our information accessible to as many people as possible.

Some of the information we have is available in Easy Read in this section.

If you would like any other information in an Easy Read format, please contact us on info@healthwatchrotherham.org.uk or call 01709 717130.

Enter and View - Swallownest Health Centre

On Monday 3rd June 2024, two trained representatives from Healthwatch Rotherham visited Swallownest Health Centre to carry out an Enter and View visit.

The purpose of the visit was to:
● collect the views from patients, families, volunteers and staff on services
● observe how the facility operates and provides its services
● identify ‘Best Practice’ and highlight any areas of concern

We spoke to staff and patients and you can find out about our observations and survey results in our report below.
Swallownest Health Centre - Enter and View report

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