Easy Read information

We try to make our information accessible to as many people as possible.

Some of the information we have is available in Easy Read in this section.

If you would like any other information in an Easy Read format, please contact us on info@healthwatchrotherham.org.uk or call 01709 717130.

We have created a list of services for young people in Rotherham to find the help that they need.

A printable version is also available. Please be aware that the directory is regularly updated as we get new information so please check you have the most recent version.

Young people's directory - printable version

Help with your mental health


Amparo - South Yorkshire:

Email: amparo.service@listening-ear.co.uk

Telephone: 03300 088 9255

Website: https://amparo.org.uk/our-locations/south-yorkshire/

Confidential short or long-term support for anyone affected by suicide.


CALM (Campaign Against Living Miserably):

Telephone: 0800 585858

Webchat: www.thecalmzone.net/suicide-prevention-helpline

Website: https://www.thecalmzone.net/

A suicide prevention helpline and livechat for anyone affected by suicide or suicidal thoughts.



Website: https://camhs.rdash.nhs.uk/rotherham/

Rotherham Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service is an NHS service that provides mental health support and treatment for children and young people up to the age of 18. A GP can refer you to Rotherham CAMHS, alternatively for more information you can visit their website.


CAMHS eClinic:

Website: https://camhs.rdash.nhs.uk/rotherham/getting-advice/rotherham-eclinics/

A free instant messaging service for young people aged 11-18 to self-refer and talk to a CAMHS Practitioner via their mobile. 



Phone: 0800 1111

Webchat: www.childline.org.uk/get-support/1-2-1-counsellor-chat/

Website: https://www.childline.org.uk/

Available to anyone under 19 in the UK with any issue they are going through. Help is available at any time, day or night, via telephone, email or 1-2-1 counsellor chat.



Website: chilypep.org.uk/bookshelf/support-for-those-affected-and-bereaved-by-suicide/

Information, support and resources for those affected or bereaved by suicide, along with a ‘walk with us’ toolkit on how to support others who are bereaved. 



Website: www.kooth.com

Kooth is a free, online mental health service aimed at supporting children and young people aged 10 to 25. It provides a safe and anonymous space for young people to get mental health support, access resources and receive counselling. 



Email: pat@papyrus-uk.org

Phone: 0800 0684141

Text: 88247

Website: https://www.papyrus-uk.org/

Dedicated to the prevention of young suicide and the promotion of positive mental health and wellbeing in young people.


Rotherham Mind:

Email: contactus@rbmind.co.uk

Phone: 01709 919929

Website: www.rbmind.co.uk/

MIND provides mental health support, both locally and nationally, including one-to-one counselling, group sessions and support for young people.



Email: jo@samaritans.org

Telephone: (freephone) 116 123

Available free, day or night, 365 days a year.



Email: info@giveusashout.org

Telephone: (text) SHOUT to 85258

Website: https://giveusashout.org/

Shout is the UK’s first 24/7 text service, free on all major mobile networks, for anyone in crisis anytime, anywhere. It’s a place to go if you’re struggling to cope and you need immediate help.


South Yorkshire Eating Disorders Association

Website: www.syeda.org.uk/

For those aged 14 years and above. They offer support groups, discussion groups, befriending, talking therapies, guided self-help and occupational therapy for young people with eating disorders.


Stay Alive App:

Website: https://www.stayalive.app/

A handy free, confidential, self help digital app you can download to your phone full of useful information and tool to help you if you are having suicidal thoughts or if you are concerned about someone else you may be considering suicide.


Student Minds:

Website: https://www.studentminds.org.uk/

Student Minds is a mental health charity who helps students get the mental health support they need at university and beyond.


With Me in Mind:

Website: https://withmeinmind.co.uk/

Mental health support and resources for children, parents and professionals.


Young Minds:

Website: www.youngminds.org.uk/

Mental health charity for children, young people and their parents. It works to ensure that young people have the support, care, and resources they need to maintain their mental well-being and how to cope with challenges and difficulties. 

Help improving your physical health 



Website: https://activeregen.uk

Active-Regen provides free physical activity sessions to all ages and abilities across South Yorkshire, including free half term holiday programs, Youth Clubs, social activities, multi sports and girls only multi sports. 



Website: www.parkrun.org.uk/rotherham/

Parkrun Rotherham is a free weekly 5k community event, open to all ages and fitness levels. It takes place every Saturday at 09:00 am in Clifton Park or Rother Valley. You can register online and receive a personal barcode for timing your runs.


Rotherham United Community Sports Trust:

Website: https://ruct.co.uk/youth-and-inclusion/youth-work/

Phone: 01709 827767

They host a range of sessions for 8 – 18 year olds (up to 25 for young people with SEND). Their experienced youth workers support young people to reach their own goals (as defined by them).

They also encourage young people to give back to their community in the form of social action projects, also developing their work experience and employability skills.

Looking after your sexual health



Website: www.brook.org.uk/

Brook is a charity that provides sexual health and well-being services for young people aged up to 25. They offer free and confidential services, including advice on contraception and pregnancies, testing and treatment of sexually transmitted infections (STIs), educational resources and workshops. 


Rotherham Sexual Health Service:

Website: www.therotherhamft.nhs.uk/services/sexual-health-services

Phone: 01709 427777

Rotherham Sexual Health Service is an NHS-run service that provides a wide range of sexual health services to people of all ages living in Rotherham. The service is free of charge and operates out at Rotherham General Hospital, with outreach clinics operating at Kimberworth Medical Centre and Maltby Health Centre. 

Some of the services they offer include:

  • Treatment and screening of sexually transmitted infections (STIs)
  • Emergency contraception
  • Free condoms
  • An under 25s drop-in service taking place every Tuesday and Thursday from 2pm to 6pm.


Yorkshire MESMAC:

Website: www.mesmac.co.uk/our-services/rotherham

Phone: 01709 242202

MESMAC provides contraception advice, free condoms, pregnancy testing and sexual health and wellbeing support by attending drop in clinics or booking an appointment online.

Help dealing with drugs and alcohol


We are with you  - previously known as (ROADS):

Website: www.wearewithyou.org.uk/local-hubs/rotherham-roads

Phone: 0808 1753981

A drug, alcohol and mental health support charity offering free and confidential support to adults and young people facing challenges with drugs and alcohol. 

Help for young carers


Barnardo’s Young Carers Service:

Website: www.barnardos.org.uk/get-support/young-carers

Phone: 0113 393 3200

Barnardo’s Young Carers Service is a specialised support service for young people who have caregiving responsibilities at home. 

Help if you have suffered abuse


Apna Haq:

Website: www.apnahaq.org.uk/

Apna Haq exists to support black and minority ethnic (BME) women and girls in Rotherham, South Yorkshire who are experiencing any form of violence.



Website: https://grow-women.org.uk/services/#post-abuse

Provides emotional and practical support for women/girls at risk of, and or affected by Child Sexual Exploitation.  The service supports them to start to recover from the trauma, build resilience and coping strategies, improve self esteem, confidence and mental health and wellbeing.



Website: https://hopian.org.uk/services/children-young-people-family-support-services/

Phone: 0330 2020571

Provide support services for young people up to the age of 19 who have witnessed parental domestic abuse or been in an abusive relationship themselves.


Rotherham Abuse Counselling Service (ROTHACS):

Website: www.rothacs.org.uk/

Provides free specialist counselling for young people aged 13 and above who have experienced any form of abuse, sexual abuse and rape, including Childhood Sexual Exploitation.

Help if you find yourself homeless


Rush House:

Website: www.rushhouse.co.uk/

Phone: 01709 369295

Provides a range of accommodation and support services including advice, independent living skills and training to young people aged 16-25.

Help if you have Special Educational Needs or Disabilities


Rotherham Parent Carer Forum:

Website: www.rpcf.co.uk/support-for-children-and-young-people

Provides activities for children and young people with Special Educational Needs.  They also provide support for siblings of young people with SEN.


Rotherham SENDIASS:

Website: www.rotherhamsendiass.org.uk/16-25

SENDIASS supports children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities by providing confidential and impartial information, help and support and signposting to other services that can help.


SEND local offer Rotherham:

Website: www.rotherhamsendlocaloffer.org.uk/

The website provides lots of useful help, advice and information about services available for children and young people with a Special Educational Need or Disability.

LGBTQ support


JADE - LGBTQ group:

Website: www.rotherham.gov.uk/places-go/jade-LGBTQ-group

JADE LGBTQ group provides a wide range of positive activities and support that builds skill, confidence and self-esteem for LGBTQ young people.


Rotherham LGBT:

Facebook: www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100067223260330

Rotherham LGBT is a peer support group based in Rotherham who provide monthly peer support meetings, regular social activities and awareness raising events.

Bereavement support


Child bereavement UK:

Website: www.childbereavementuk.org/?gad_source=1

Phone: 0800 0288840

Email: North.OutreachTeam@childbereavementuk.org

Child bereavement UK supports children and young people (up to the age of 25) when someone important to them has died or is not expected to live.  They offer free, confidential bereavement support by telephone, video and face to face from a number of local locations.



Telephone: 0808 8081677

Website: Online chat: https://www.cruse.org.uk/get-support/

Grief and bereavement support.


Winston’s wish:

Email: ask@winstonswish.org

Phone: 08088 020021

Website: www.winstonswish.org/

Immediate on demand bereavement support for children, teenagers and young adults up to the age of 25 who are grieving.

Support for young people living with cancer




If you are a young person who is living with cancer, they have information and support especially for you.

Their cancer guide for young people answers questions you may have. It includes tips and advice from other young people who are living with cancer.

Help dealing with gambling problems



Phone: 0808 8020133

Livechat: www.gamcare.org.uk/get-support/talk-to-us-now/

Website: www.gamcare.org.uk/outreach-and-training/youth-outreach-programme/

and bigdeal.org.uk/

Their Young People’s Service can support anyone from 11 to 18 across the UK who is either ‘at risk’ of or experiencing harm because of gambling. This can be if you are gambling yourself or if you are affected by someone else’s gambling. The service is free, flexible and confidential.

Fancy volunteering?


National Citizen Service:

Website: https://wearencs.com/ 

NCS offers opportunities to young people aged 15-17 during the summer holidays.  Activities include:

  • Do adrenaline-fuelled activities
  • Experience the freedom of living away from home
  • Boost your CV and UCAS application
  • Meet incredible people
  • Develop skills and confidence
  • Make a difference on a cause or issue you care about

General information and support

Rotherham council:

Website: www.rotherham.gov.uk/homepage/302/health

Rotherham council has a page dedicated to helpful information and advice for young people, covering topics of alcohol, anger, counselling, drugs, exercise, food, positive mental health, relationships, self esteem, self harm, sexual health, stress, young parents and pregnancy.


11-18 link worker:

Link worker flyer


A children’s link worker can help you access social and emotional support such as after school clubs, hobbies and activities, help with further education/training or accessing mental health support.  Open to any child aged 11-18 attending a school in Rotherham.  Ask your school nurse.