Easy Read information

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Rotherham General Hospital UECC Survey

During December 2019, representatives from Healthwatch Rotherham attended the Urgent and Emergency Care Centre at Rotherham General Hospital to speak with residents about their reasons for attending.

Demands on Accident and Emergency departments have been steadily increasing year on year, we wanted to speak with patients to discover their reasons for attending UECC and what alternative options they have considered.

The most common reason was that the patient thought that they needed treatment from UECC or needed an x-ray. These patients had not consulted any alternative healthcare prior to attending UECC.

The second most common reason was the lack of access to GP appointments.


To request this report in a different format please telephone 01709 717130 or email info@healthwatchrotherham.org.uk


Rotherham General Hospital UECC Survey December 2019

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