Dearne Valley College - Health & Wellbeing event

Having linked Dearne Valley College with our friends at The Rainbow Project, Talking Therapies and Leiann from the Public Health Nursing team, we were happy to join them at the event along with lots of other services.
The event was well attended and gave us the opportunity to chat to the students and get them to complete the survey that we’re currently running as part of our last project of 2024-2025. Our project is focusing on what young people think about their wellbeing and what matters to them. We want to highlight any barriers that they may face so that we can make recommendations to services for improvements. The survey is available online and any young person who would like to take part, can access it via this QR code:

We were also able to provide students with a QR code handout for our new Young People’s directory which is full of reliable and trustworthy information about where to turn if they need help or advice. Posters for the directory have been sent to all secondary schools, sixth forms and colleges in Rotherham for them to display, to try to reach as many young people as possible.

During the day, we were also able to spend some time with some students in the Flex department, running a focus group to discuss with them how they feel about their wellbeing, and what they think is good and what could be better. They were a lovely group of students who were really interested in sharing their views in a very polite and honest way. It was a pleasure to chat to them and spend time listening to what they had to say!
Thank you to Dearne Valley College for running such a great event again and to their fantastic students for engaging with us and completing so many surveys. Keep an eye out for our report later this year!