Do you need help travelling to NHS services?

If you don't have good access to transport, it can mean missing out on health check-ups, routine screenings, and regular appointments for long-term conditions, such as chemotherapy.
Most people drive, use public transport, or rely on the kindness of family and friends to get to the doctor, pharmacist, or hospital on time.
If you don't have good access to transport, it can mean you're late or miss your appointment. It can be even harder if you need to attend regular appointments at a hospital for long-term conditions, such as chemotherapy treatment for cancer.
Earlier this year we carried out a survey and wrote a report about the transport issues affecting healthcare appointments in Rotherham.
Here, we provide some information about the support available to help make your journey easier.
What support is available?
If you need help getting to appointments, find out whether you're eligible for NHS-funded support.
If you can't travel because of your medical condition
In Rotherham, people have access to free NHS funded transport through the Patient Transport Service.
This service provides transport:
- to and from a hospital outpatient clinics
- to and from community-based care
- for admission to, or discharge from, hospital wards
- for regular lifesaving treatments such as renal dialysis or chemotherapy
To qualify to receive this transport, you must meet certain criteria which will be assessed at the time of booking. The full eligibility criteria can be found here, but the basic requirements are:
- the patient's condition means they need additional medical support during their journey
- the patient's condition impacts their mobility to such an extent they would be unable to access healthcare by any other means
- they are recognised as the parent or guardian of children who are being transported
If you're travelling on public transport
If you do not receive benefits but have to make frequent trips by public transport, there may be weekly or monthly season tickets that can reduce costs, or options such as booking tickets online, which may work out cheaper than the total cost of one ticket.
Additionally, for students, people with disabilities and those over 66 in Rotherham, Travel South Yorkshire provide travel passes for reduced fares or free travel.
For people with disabilities, a carer's pass may also be issued, depending on the disability and mental capacity for independent travel.
If you need to travel outside of South Yorkshire to attend an appointment, National Rail offers a range of discounts and concessions for children, people over 60, and people with disabilities.
If you're visiting hospital regularly
Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust offers concessionary parking for the following patients:
- Macmillan patients
- those attending frequent outpatient appointments
- parents staying with their children on a ward
- family members or carers who have a relative/dependent in the hospital for a period longer than 7 days
Those who qualify for a concession, should ask ward or clinic staff for a concessions form to confirm that they are eligible.
Blue badge holders can park in Rotherham Hospital's car parks for free, either in the marked bays or in the main car parks.
If you have friends or family taking you, or picking you up from an appointment, there are drop off/waiting bays in the car park which have a time limit of 10 minutes. However, parking is also free for the first 30 minutes, so as long as they exit within this time, they will not be charged.
Could you get a refund for your hospital transport costs?
If you’re not eligible for Patient Transport Services, you could claim a refund for the cost of your travel or taking a child to hospital through the Healthcare Travel Costs Scheme.
You may be able to benefit from the service if you:
- can’t afford the cost of travelling to hospital
- can’t get a friend or relative to take you
Other support
Depending on your situation, you can also find other organisations that can help you get to your healthcare appointments. For example, Door 2 Door provides an alternative to public transport and will take you from home to anywhere around the Rotherham area (prices start at £2) and Age UK can help older people get out and about and can also accompany you to appointments.
If you have accessibility worries when attending your hospital appointments, AccessAble provides visual guides and information so that you can plan your journey in advance.
Update from our report
Since our transport report was published, services have been considering actions that they could take in order to improve some of the issues we raised.
Consideration is currently being given to:
- an additional bus stop being added to reduce the walking distances to the Badsley Moor Lane hospital services
- a change to the bus route to be implemented in 2025 to further reduce walking distances to the site
- changes to appointment times for people to enable easier travel
- whether appointments could be conducted by telephone in some cases to reduce the need for travel
- concessionary parking rates for carers as part of the Carers' charter, recently introduced at the Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust