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Staff & Volunteer satisfaction report

We recently carried out a Staff and Volunteer Satisfaction Survey at Healthwatch Rotherham to find out how we are doing and how we can improve.

It is important to us that all our staff and volunteers feel valued and that their feedback helps shape how we work in the future.

We asked everyone to complete a short survey to rate how they felt about the work they do and the role they have on the team.  

Our results

Almost all our staff and volunteers (90%) responded so we have an accurate reflection of how Healthwatch Rotherham is working.

Question 1:

I know what is expected of me in my role

Question 1 pie chart results

Action taken: It is important that all members understand what is expected of them so that we can provide the best service as a team.  Job descriptions and expectations will be sent to all team members to improve awareness and any queries can be discussed at upcoming team meetings.

Question 2:

I have the materials and equipment I need to carry out my role

Question 2 pie chart results

Action taken: No action required as no concerns have been raised regarding access to materials and equipment.

Question 3:

In my role, I have the opportunity to use the skills I am best at

Question 3 pie chart results

Action taken: Although most staff are happy, we still have some members who are not sure if they have the opportunity to use the skills they are best at.  We have organised a development session with Healthwatch England for our statutory advisory board members to enable us to identify and use their skills more effectively.

Question 4:

In my role, I am treated with respect

Question 4 pie chart results

Action taken: No action is required as no concerns have been raised. 

Question 5:

In my role, my contribution to the organisation is valued

Question 5 pie chart results

Action taken: No action is required as no concerns have been raised. 

Question 6:

This last year, I have had opportunities to learn and develop in my role

Question 6 pie chart results

Action taken: Although all staff have undertaken learning this year, many Healthwatch Rotherham staff and volunteers are new to their roles and they may be unaware of the opportunities they have to develop their role further. Staff have been given a tailored training programme to further their development and strategic advisory board members are taking part in a development session to allow their input into what their role should look like.

Question 7:

The mission or purpose of the organisation makes me feel my role is important

Question 7 pie chart results

Action taken: No action is required as team members agree that they feel their role is important.

Question 8:

I am clear about what the organisation wants to achieve and how we are going to do it

Question 8 pie chart results

Action taken: Although most team members are clear about what we are trying to achieve and how we are going to do it, further work needs to be done to ensure all team members feel the same. Our strategic advisory board members get monthly updates on where we are on our work plan, what action has been taken and what our next steps are.  This information should be shared with the rest of the team members so that everyone is better informed about our progress against our targets.

Question 9:

My colleagues are committed to doing quality work

Question 9 pie chart results

Action taken: No action is required as all team members feel that the team as a whole is committed to doing quality work.

Question 10:

Overall, I am satisfied in my role

Question 10 pie chart results

Action taken: Although most of the team are satisfied in their role, there are some who either are unsure or unsatisfied.  We recognise the importance of listening to our team and we are therefore going to invite all staff and volunteers to anonymously provide us with suggestions for how we can improve in this area.


“The results are encouraging for our new team of staff and volunteers and we have created a good foundation to build on. We will seek clarity on areas of dissatisfaction or uncertainty to know how and where we can improve staff and volunteers experiences”

Healthwatch Rotherham manager Kym Gleeson

Thank you

We would like to thank all our staff and volunteers for completing the survey. It really is vital that we understand what’s working and what could be improved to make sure we retain our valued members.

Whilst we can’t always put in place changes straight away, we’re committed to acting on the feedback and continually improving to be the best we can.  

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