1. News -

    Our Engagement Officer Mariah has been busy talking to people in the community to gather their thoughts on local health and social care services in Rotherham
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    Our Community Engagement Officer has been out in the Rotherham community over the past 2 weeks to gather their opinions and experiences of services in Rotherham

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    Our Community Engagement Officer Andrea has been out in the community this month talking to various Rotherham residents, at a number of services and events, to listen to their experiences of local services
    You can view her findings below
  4. Report -

    Our 2022-2023 Annual Report has now been published and is ready to download and read. We would like to thank everybody who has contributed to this report and taken the time to read it. We look forward to another great year.
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    Rotherham Council is seeking to update its adult social care priorities for the borough. To achieve the best outcomes for people, they recognise the importance of putting the person at the heart of everything they do.
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    Please see below a list of our current surveys. Completing these surveys allows you to share your experiences, views and opinions anonymously. All feedback is compiled into a report and sent to the relevant services to help improve patient care.
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    Healthwatch Rotherham are working with the Rotherham Crisis Team Service to gather feedback from those who have accessed the service themselves/on behalf of someone else, and wish to share their experiences, good or bad. All feedback is anonymous.