These are some of the topics that Healthwatch Rotherham are focusing on at the moment.

We want to make sure your views and experiences are part of the decision-making process when changes are planned in the town, region or country.

What should we focus on?

Each year at Healthwatch Rotherham, we focus on specific topics alongside our usual work.  In 2024, we're continuing our work on young people and are also focusing on the experience of those with learning disabilities and autism, as well as refugees and asylum seekers. 

If you have any ideas about areas of health and social care that we should look into in the future, then please share them with us through the survey below.

This survey is open year-round.


lady with autism lanyard talking to a blind lady

Understanding the experiences of those with learning disabilities or autism

Our first project of 2024 will focus on the health and social care experiences of people with learning disabilities or autism.  We want to understand what services are getting things right and providing excellent support for those with additional needs, and which services aren't.  Where services are providing a poor standard of care, what are the issues and what needs to be improved?  This project is all about giving a voice to those who may feel that they're not heard and to highlight problem areas to services to allow them to make the changes needed.

To take part in our survey, click below:

Take part

Share for Better Care campaign

Healthwatch Rotherham is taking part in Healthwatch England's national campaign - Share for Better Care.  Research shows that although 72% of people say that health and social care services are a priority for them, only 20% have given any feedback in the last 2 years.  The campaign aims to address this and promote how all feedback, however big or small, has the power to change health and social care services across the country. Just taking 2 minutes to let us know your experiences, can make a difference in your local community and beyond.

Take part and help us change things for everyone for the better.

Get in touch

Your story has the power to make a difference.

The more people share their ideas, experiences and concerns about NHS and social care, the more services can understand what works, what doesn't and what people want from care in the future.

If it matters to you, it's likely it matters to someone else too. We want to hear your views. Get in touch and share your story.

Share your story